Gutter Sense Blog

Is It Worth It to Clean Your Own Gutters? The Pros and Cons

Is It Worth It to Clean Your Own Gutters? The Pros and Cons

If you have a house, you will have gutters. If you have gutters, you will need to clean them. If you need to clean gutters, you will be asking these questions: How much does it cost to clean gutters? Is it safe to clean gutters? How can I clean What tools can I use to...

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No Ladder Needed: How to Clean Gutters From the Ground

No Ladder Needed: How to Clean Gutters From the Ground

Ladders are wonderful inventions that have existed for thousands of years—and for thousandsof years, humans have consistently been able to fall off them. One reason most homeownerswould even need to mount a ladder would be to clean their gutters, a vital and...

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When to Clean Gutters: The Top Signs

When to Clean Gutters: The Top Signs

Spring is arriving, and with spring comes flowers….and rain showers—meaning your gutters and downspouts will put in long hours protecting your house and landscaping. Clean gutters will handle this challenge with no problem, but dirty and clogged gutters? That’s...

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How It’s Made: The Making of Gutter Sense

How It’s Made: The Making of Gutter Sense

The who, where, why, and how behind the what is a point of interest for most people—after all, our natural curiosity is one of our greatest strengths as human beings, and it has been the motivator for great advances in science, medicine, and technology. The Internet...

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Why Clean Gutters Matter For Home Insurance

Why Clean Gutters Matter For Home Insurance

They say the best defense is a good offense—and this phrase also rings true when talking about your gutters. Some homeowners are unaware of why clean gutters matter for the sake of their homes (and their wallets). Why do clean gutters matter? Your home’s gutter system...

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How to Prevent Roof Ice Dams

How to Prevent Roof Ice Dams

Is a wintertime roof leak on your homeowner Bingo card this year? We hope not, and it’s why we’ve written this article on how to prevent roof ice dams and protect your roof. In it, we will explain what ice dams are, why they...

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Are Gutters Necessary?

Are Gutters Necessary?

Imagine it: it’s late in the afternoon on a hot, humid September day. The air is heavy. You hear the rumble of thunder, and soon the sky opens up with a torrential downpour. Rainwater cascades from the rooftops, pours from the downspouts, and drenches everything in...

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