It’s the most wonderful time of year. It’s also the busiest, craziest, and most stressful, and you’re supposed to love every minute, and never forget anyone on your list, even though you most definitely haven’t been checking it twice. 

 Oh, and definitely don’t leave yourself off that list. After all, you’ve been very good this year, too. Which is why you deserve something very special: Gutter Sense.

 Now, before you laugh, give us a minute. Or three. Here are ten reasons why a gutter cleaning tool is the gift you (or your very special loved one) deserves. 

 Reason 1: No More Death-Defying Stunts

 Gutter cleaning is an essential home maintenance task, but let’s be honest: it can be a dangerous job. Ladder accidents send thousands of people to the emergency room annually, and a few hundred of these accidents prove fatal. 

 Also, and we’re just going to call this one as we see it: playing Spider-Man isn’t for everyone. Stop climbing a ladder holding a kinked hose and the last shreds of your dignity. Instead, attach Gutter Sense to a 12- to 20-foot extension pole, and you can take care of the essential task of gutter cleaning with your own two feet on the ground. Yep, even second-story gutters. 

 Reason 2: DIY (Don’t Injure Yourself)

 DIY also stands for “Don’t Injure Yourself” in the pursuit of home maintenance. We’ve already covered ladder dangers, but there are other ways to hurt yourself cleaning the gutters, like scratching or cutting your hands on the sharp edges and nails inside the gutters. Stay injury-free and keep those hands out of the gutter when you use Gutter Sense. 

 Reason 3: Rain, Rain, Go Away

 We’ve all seen it: sheets of water sluicing over your gutters because they’re clogged. Again. After hours of watching this, you head down to the basement to find water seeping in along the walls. Everything it’s touched is now a soggy disaster. And if you’re looking for something less appealing than cleaning the gutters, it’s cleaning out your basement after a watery mishap. 

 Reason 4: Leaf Labyrinths Are No Fun

 Is digging blindly in a clogged gutter your idea of a good time? If so, this article probably isn’t for you, and neither is Gutter Sense. If you like to get home maintenance tasks done with minimal frustration, then this gutter cleaning tool should be your go-to for navigating leaf labyrinths. 

 Reason 5: Establish a Critter-Free Zone

 Picture this: the miracle of new life, peeping and cheeping, right in your gutters. Feathery squatters are raising the next generation right there, leaving nest debris, feathers, and poo in your gutter. For you to clean up. Avoid this entire scenario with regular gutter cleaning, which will help you keep your gutters critter-free. 

 Reason 6: Curb Appeal – the Right Way

 Clean gutters are an essential part of a well-maintained home, which of course enhances its curb appeal. And you might not realize what an important role your gutters play until you’ve experienced the consequences of a clog. When your gutters and downspouts can’t carry the water away, the torrents can wash out your mulch and landscaping, cause damage, and erase the hard-earned money and time you’ve put into maintaining your home. 

 Reason 7: Mold-Free Maintenance

 Probably the only time anyone has been glad to encounter mold is when penicillin was discovered. World-changing antibiotics aside, mold and mildew wreak havoc most of the time—and they don’t need to be invited into your home. That’s exactly what can happen if your gutters are clogged and can’t carry water away from your home when it rains, or when the snow melts. 

 Reason 8: Bye-Bye Basement Floods

 If a soppy cleanout sounded unappetizing, imagine what it will be like to open the door to a flooded basement. There’s a trickle-down effect here (pardon the pun) between making sure that water is carried away from your house, to not cause structural damage that can ultimately lead to serious problems. 

Reason 9: Free Up Weekend Warrior Time

 We’re betting that you would have no time filling the free time you will have left when you make gutter cleaning easier. And if you can’t, we are certain that someone near and dear to you can fill it for you.

 Reason 10: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

 Easier, safer gutter cleaning from the ground? We think that’s the gift that keeps on giving, but of course, we’re the company behind the product. Our philosophy is, anything that makes daily life and home maintenance easier is something you need—and deserve. 

 If you’re in need of any final convincing, imagine how satisfying it will be to have all the items checked off your to-do list, well ahead of your neighbors. You’ll be the envy of your neighborhood, without the ladder acrobatics and the maple microgreens farm come spring. 

 Give yourself or your loved ones the gift of Gutter Sense gutter cleaning tool this holiday season. At just $34, it’s a low-cost solution to easier, safer gutter cleaning. See it in action and purchase online